Gwon, Youngseok
2002 University of Suwon, BA
Solo Exhibitions
2021 < Hug Myself > (HY Art Gallery, Suncheon)
2014 5th < The world comes to resemble us. > (Able fine art NY, NY)
2013 4th < We come to resemble the world. > (Able fine art NY, Seoul)
2012 3rd < Urbanscape > (Topohaus Gallery, Seoul)
2007 2nd < The Food chain > (Kwanhoon gallery, Seoul)
2005 1st < Human-Marionette show > (Kwanhoon gallery, Seoul)
Group Exhibitions
2022 FOCUS ART FAIR (Carousel de Louvre. Louvre Museum. Paris. French)
2021 Focus London art fair: Focus on colours of life (Fitzrovia / Saatchi Gallery, London)
2020 Light, Vibration, Burst sound (Gallery gaga, Seoul)
BAMA 9th Busan Annual Market of Art (BEXCO, Busan)
PLAS - Contemporary Art Show 2020 (Coex, Seoul)
Roman of Art fair (Foreheal hotel, Seoul)
9 colors (Gallery gaga, Seoul)
Potion of love (Gallery conseil)
2019 Love & Thanks (Gallery gaga, Seoul)
Seoul Art Show 2019 (Coex, Seoul)
Gwangyang Art Auction 2019 (Gwangyang Art center, Gwangyang)
PLAS - Contemporary Art Show 2019 (Coex, Seoul)
5 colors (Gallery gaga, Seoul)
2018 Art Busan International Art Fair (Bexco Exhibition Center, Busan)
PLAS - Contemporary Art Show 2018 (Coex, Seoul)
(Espace de paul, GaPyeong)
2017 Asia Contemporary Art Show (Hong Kong Conrad Hotel, Hong Kong)
2016 Jeju International Art Fair JIAF - The origin (Jeju Civic Center)
2015 Jeju International Art Fair JIAF - Rising-Again (Jeju Civic Center)
2014 New York Artexpo (Pier 94, NY)
AAF Hampstead fair 2014 (Hampstead, London)
‘Human Balance’ (Able fine art NY, NY)
Baltimore Summer Antiques Show (Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore)
2013 The Artist of Gallery Able 1st (Able Fine art NY, Seoul)
Daegu Art Fair (Exhibition Convention Center, Daegu)
Affordable Art Fair Singapore (F1 Pit Building, Singapore)
2012 Commemorative Exhibition for the 20th Anniversary of South Korea-China Diplomatic Relations (Galaxy Gallery, Beijing, China)
2011 "Attainment (化成) through Suwon-Hwaseong (水原-華城)" Invitational Project Exhibition (Korea gallery, Seoul)
2010 庚寅年 White Tiger Year Message Exhibition (Hyundai Department Store, U-PLEX, Seoul)
Landscape of Human and the City (Young Art gallery, Seoul)
Window to Korean Art and Culture (India, Nepal)
14th Korean Art Contest for Unification (Seoul)
Top Korean Artist Selection Contest & Beautiful Calendar (Gallery Gac, Seoul)
2009 Beautiful Encounters (Global Village Gallery, Seoul)
Art Library Campaign (Mapo Borough office)
2009 Selected Korean Artists Exhibition (Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul)
2008 ‘Alive’ (Hanseo Gallery, Seoul)
Expansion of Form (Yegajok Gallery, Seoul)
Suwon Water Resources: Invitational Exhibition (K-water Gallery, Suwon)
Nostalgia (Lotte Gallery, Anyang)
First! (Gowoon Art Museum, Suwon)
2010 14th Korean Art Contest for Unification - Special Selection (Seoul)
2009 1st Korean Selected Artist Exhibition (Art and Criticism)


권 영 석

신이 언어로 세상을 창조했다면,
인간은 언어로 신을 창조했을 것이다.
인간은 언어로 세상을 살고, 언어로 죽는다.
인간에게 삶과 죽음을 알게 해준 것도 언어이다.
인류 역사상 한 국가, 한 민족의 언어를 스스로 창조해낸 적은 없다.
언어는 습득의 대상이지 창조의 대상이 아니기 때문에,
우리는 언어라는 굴레에 규정된다.
우리는 사고를 통해 말을 한다고 생각하지만, 사실은 언어가 있음으로 사고를 할 수 있는 것이다.
따라서 말이라는 것은 그 규정성에 의해 인간의 모든 것을 표현 할 수 없다.
인간은 그 한계점을 몸짓과 표정, 나아가서는 미술이나 음악 등으로 극복해왔다.
마인드로 상징되는 언어와, 몸은 절대 이원적이지 않다.
어차피 뇌와 혀와 몸은 하나이기 때문에 정신이나 영혼이나 몸은 따로일 수가 없는 것이다.
몸이 죽으면 정신도, 영혼도 죽는다.
살아간다는 것은 무엇일까?
삶의 표현 방식으로 나는 격투 경기나, 그림자 싸움 같은 작업으로 삶의 경쟁을 이야기 했고,
그곳에 사는 사람의 공허함을 그려왔으며,
찢긴듯한 도시의 모습을 통해 그곳을 살아가는 한 사람의 치열함과 고독을 표현해왔다.
언어의 장벽을 넘기 위해서 가장 원시적이면서 가장 1차원적인 방식은 바디랭귀지이다.
나에게 있어서 바디랭귀지는 나의 모든 작품 제작에 가장 큰 주제 역할을 해왔다.
몸짓은 언어라는 한계를 넘을 수 있는 열쇠로 존재한다.
바디랭귀지는 단순히 언어적 소통이 아니라 인간과 인간 간에 삶의 소통 방식이다.
가장 원시적인 것이 가장 진취적인 것 일수 있다.



If God created the world with language,
Man would have created God with language.
Man lives the world by language, and dies by language.
It is also language that has made humans aware of life and death.
Never in human history has a nation created its own language.
Because language is the object of acquisition, not the object of creation,
We are defined in the bridle of language.
We think we talk through thinking, but in fact, we can think by having language.
Therefore, words cannot express everything about humans by their regulation.
Humans have overcome their limitations with gestures, facial expressions, and even art or music.
The language symbolized by the mind and the body are never dualistic.
Since the brain, tongue, and body are one anyway, the mind, soul, or body cannot be separate.
When the body dies, the spirit dies, and so does the soul.
What is it to live?
As a way of expressing life, I have drawn the competition of life with work such as fighting games, shadow fighting,
And I have painted the emptiness of the people who live there.
Through the appearance of torn city, it has expressed the fierceness and solitude of person living there.
I think the most primitive and one-dimensional way to overcome the language barrier is body language.
Body language has been the biggest theme in the production of all of my works.
Gestures exist as keys to crossing the limits of language.
Body language is not just a verbal communication, but a way of communicating life between humans and humans.
The most primitive may be the most enterprising.